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Dean’s Message

Dr. Alka Mahajan


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As we, as humanity step into a new world, one where uncertainty looms large and newer conflicts arise for everyday life - the role of information and technology becomes drastically important. Our need to innovate, research, and discover newer avenues of technological advances has increased manifold. We need our engineers to not just be efficient but also creative. They should not just be problem solvers but visionaries - ones who will envision a world of the future - and the problems it may have and come up with innovative solutions for not just the present, but also the future.

While times and technology have always seen change, the pace at which technology is changing in recent years has been mind boggling. At the Mukesh Patel School of Technology Management and Engineering (MPSTME), we strive not only to prepare our students for the change, but also try and get them a step ahead by challenging their abilities and nurturing their curiosities. Keeping well ahead of times we have always had a forward looking, flexible approach to delivering education. We believe in giving our students choice and the choices come in the form of a wide range of programmes on offer and the opportunities to study in the best universities abroad through our collaborations.

We at MPSTME are on a lookout for not just sharp minds, but women and men of great resolve and vision. We want to hone not just great engineers but learned scientists. We as an institution have always championed causes that are otherwise overlooked, and promoted thoughts that most people would find unsurmountable. Our vision as an institution has now expanded itself in a space where we want to be the pioneers of change makers. We want to invest in minds and cultivate strong voices that will have the power to bring in change. We invite you to be a part of this exciting journey.

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